Digital Health startup MFine receives ISO Certification

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A great achievement for Digital Health Startup MFine as it receives ISO Certification. Mfine receives ISO Certification is an exemplary success for other startups too. Since the startup works digitally, it has received ISO 27001 Certification. In this article, we will discuss Digital Health startup MFine receives ISO Certification.

What is ISO 27001 Certification?

ISO 27001 Certification sets standards for information security management systems. The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) publishes it.

To develop this certification, ISO works in collaboration with the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC).

It outlines all of the criteria for setting up, deploying, maintaining, and upgrading an information security management system (ISMS).

In other words, ISO Certification is critical for safeguarding your most valuable assets, including employee and customer information, brand image, and other confidential data.

The ISO standard specifies a process-based method for establishing, implementing, operating, and maintaining an ISMS.

Therefore, any small or large business having a digital presence can and must receive ISO 27001 Certification.

MFine receives ISO Certification 

The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) has awarded MFine ISO certification.

Obtaining this certification is a significant achievement for the firm since it shows that the company has implemented technology and process-wide secure procedures for maintaining the information security of all products.

MFine, in collaboration with its trusted partners, is focused on providing an AI-driven, online healthcare service throughout India. MFine offers consumers on-demand access and quality medical care through its partnerships with more than 6,000 doctors, 500 lab partners, 700 reputable hospitals, and 35 specialties.

The digital Health Startup Mfine works completely online. Hence, ISO 27001 Certification was a must for them.

Benefits to Mfine as it receives ISO Certification

The following are some of the most prevalent advantages to Mfine receiving ISO certification. These are also relevant to any other firm.

  • The most essential benefit of ISO 27001 is that it protects your company’s confidential information.
  • Second, the standard gives stakeholders and customers confidence that data protection is under effective management control. Furthermore, ISO 27001 ensures that information is shared safely between start-ups and investors.
  • ISO 27001 certifies that your company complies with all legal requirements. As a result, it assists in meeting legal obligations.
  • Also, it helps in improving strategies and boosts the functionality of the online business.

Why choose ISO 27001 Certification?

ISO 27001 Certification is an internationally recognized standard published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO). It establishes a number of important security requirements.

Since companies handle and store massive amounts of sensitive data. Furthermore, everything has now moved to the internet marketplace, from data management to service delivery.

As a result, there’s a good possibility that a data leak or other security incident may occur. In this situation, data loss can cost a firm a lot of money, as well as damage to its reputation. As a result, for businesses of all sizes, a complete ISMS ( Information Security and Management System ) for data security is essential.

ISO 27001 Certification for Startups

Moreover, if you need any further guidance as regards the ISO Certification in Delhi, please feel free to communicate with our business advisors at 8881-069-069.

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